DJI Drones

DJI Drones from Apex Radio

DJI Enterprise drones offer a fresh outlook on surveying, inspections, and emergency service activity, assisting businesses in reaching heightened levels of safety, efficiency, and precision.

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What is a Drone?

find out more about DJI Drones

A drone, or UAV, is an unmanned aerial vehicle operated without a human pilot or passengers.

Businesses across various sectors such as construction, engineering, public safety, and agriculture are increasingly utilising commercial drones. These drones offer advantages like aerial surveying, inspections, and analysis, providing businesses with a competitive edge.

Commercial drone use leads to significant efficiency, accuracy, and safety improvements, along with cost savings. Common applications include aerial photography, surveying, precision agriculture, urban planning, environmental monitoring, and agricultural management.

Discover our range of DJI Enterprise Drones

Apex is a proud partner of Syndico, an authorised stockist of Enterprise drones for DJI in the UK.

Our DJI Enterprise drone solutions are formidable and durable, leveraging cutting-edge technology across all hardware and software offerings. With DJI drones, businesses worldwide can enhance productivity and efficiency.

DJI Enterprise Drones

Commercial-grade drones give businesses a platform to work more efficiently and profitably than ever before.

DJI Enterprise Payloads

Enterprise payloads enable users to survey and inspect structures, assets and landscapes from the air and at a safe distance.

DJI Enterprise Software

A range of powerful software applications can be used to manage enterprise drone missions and process vast data instantly.

Drone solutions by industry

Work faster, smarter and more efficiently.


Utilise thermal and night-vision technology for swift and precise decision-making in inspecting structures, landscapes, or situations, even in low visibility conditions.


Conduct surveys effortlessly, obtaining thorough and precise results in much less time compared to conventional methods.

Emergency Services

Get comprehensive aerial perspectives of emergency situations to enhance decision-making, streamline response coordination, and ensure public safety.

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If you would like to speak to us, call: 0191 228 0466

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